Christianna’s Story

Christianna is a digital artist and seer of beauty who has traveled and lived around the world. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, she has spent the last several years traveling and living abroad. She’s lived in Bali, Portugal, and England and visited Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Bahamas, Canada, Rhodes, Greece, Turkey, Crete, Cypress, Costa Rica, The Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, France, Austria, and the Czech Republic.

While living abroad before, during and after the pandemic, she realized that she needed to find a way to create art without packing lots of cumbersome art supplies. She focused her attention on making digital art on her iPad and taking photos on her mobile phone.

Christianna grew to love the limitless potential of making art in this way and now considers herself to be primarily a digital artist.

She currently resides with her husband of 40 years in Westchester, New York, where they enjoy the easy access to the wonderful parks, galleries, museums and vegan restaurants in NYC.

Christianna enjoys creating beautiful digital art based on her own photographs. She is now exploring the possibilities of AI-generated art combined with her own digital processing.

One of her favorite ways to share her art is in the form of digital oracle cards. You can find out more about these decks here.